Heritage Landing Pools

Swim Attire

Swim Attire

Please remember that the Heritage Landing pools serve a variety of ages and families. Please save the super cute, slightly risqué, new, and stylish swimsuit for the beach when deciding what to wear to the pools.

*Appropriate swimming attire (swimsuits) must be worn at all times.

*No thongs, Brazilian bikinis, or similar styles are allowed.

*No street clothes, including, but not limited to cutoffs and jeans, are permitted in the pool.

*Mermaid suits are not permitted.​


Pool Float

Flotation and Toys

Pool Rules for Flotation Devices & Pool Toys

The Amenity Center Staff (Pool Monitors, Amenity Manager, and Facility Attendants) reserve the right to discontinue usage of ANY play equipment, especially during times of peak or scheduled activity at the Swimming Pool, or if the equipment provides a safety concern or nuisance. Although not an exhaustive list, the following describes what is and is not OK.

  • OK – Infant Water Floats with Seats | Water Wings Pool Noodles | Soft Foam Water Balls | Dive Sticks
  • NOT OK – Large Rafts and Floats | Hard Plastic Toys | Frisbees | Footballs | Tennis Balls | Baseballs | Nerf Balls


Floats limit the visibility of the bottom of the pool and some toys pose a nuisance or a risk to other swimmers.

Lap Swimmer

Lap Lanes

Lap Lane Etiquette

  • No sitting or swimming on top of the lane lines.

  • No crossing lanes in which people are lap swimming.

  • No throwing pool toys across the lap lanes.

  • No swimming in a lane that is already occupied without permission.

  • Please always be respectful of someone else’s space in the pool.